Singapore National Day Parade

Singapore National Day Parade

August, 2015. Singapore held their largest ever National Day Parade to commemorate their 50th year of independence. The main display of the event – Singapore’s Mobile Column comprised of more than 150 military vehicles and covered a distance of 20 KM along the Greater Marina Bay area.

“Love it! The MAX series and SpeedFusion provided the flexibility and stability like we’ve never seen before!”

-Melvin Lee, Operation Director. iT-DnS PTE Ltd.


This raised a multitude of security challenges and chief amongst which, was public safety. Road traffic, spectator safety, Mobile Column status, these were just a few of a long list of things that required real-time surveillance. This real-time data was to be fed constantly to the Core Command Group and various public safety agencies, so having rapidly deployable networks with huge amounts of bandwidth and top-notch reliability was of paramount importance.

Singapore National Day Parade Secure Live Stream #2
Singapore National Day Parade Secure Live Stream #3


The plan was to deploy a combination of HD pan tilt zoom (PTZ) CCTVs on high rise rooftops and roadside. But even with these super zoom-capable cameras, blind spots and blocked line of sights were inevitable. This was where the Mobile Rider came in. An electronic self-balancing scooter fitted with 4 HD cameras, 4G/LTE Peplink BR1 Slim router and batteries to last for 6 hours covered the grounds that the fixed-locations CCTVs could not. T-DnS certified Peplink Partner decided to deploy a Balance 2500 in order to achieve a SpeedFusion bonded network with 2Gbps of throughput.

iScattered throughout the stretch was an assortment of surveillance cameras fitted with MAX BR1 ENTs and BR1 Slims. Public safety agencies that had access to the monitoring feed connected via MAX HD2s and HD4s. As for the Mobile Rider solution, the MAX BR1 Slim with its low power requirements and USB port allows it to run for 6 hours continuously with a 10,000mAh portable battery pack.


The Core Command Group was able to stream real time HD footage that allowed them to make decisions and respond to immediate threats. Multiple agencies also had simultaneous access to the feed elsewhere to monitor other safety and strategic concerns. Due to the on-ground effectiveness of the Mobile Rider vehicle, the number of surveillance cameras deployed were reduced by more than half, saving the organizers at least 50% in cost.

Singapore National Day Parade Secure Live Stream #4


Peplink SD WAN Internet Bonding Technology SpeedFusion

SpeedFusion ™ Bandwidth Bonding

Peplink’s patented SpeedFusion technology powers enterprise VPNs that tap into the bandwidth of up to 13 low-cost cable, DSL, 3G/4G/LTE, and other links connected anywhere on your corporate or institutional WAN. Whether you’re transferring a few documents or driving real-time POS data, video feeds, and VoIP conversations, SpeedFusion pumps all your data down a single bonded data-pipe that’s budget-friendly, ultra-fast, and easily configurable to suit any networking environment.