Cyprus Public Transport Carries 5G Connectivity for Passenger Wi-Fi
With a fleet of over 200 buses, Cyprus Public Transport set in motion their plans to provide upgraded services, including Wi-Fi connectivity via 5G. Keywords: Wi-Fi, GPS
With a fleet of over 200 buses, Cyprus Public Transport set in motion their plans to provide upgraded services, including Wi-Fi connectivity via 5G. Keywords: Wi-Fi, GPS
Manchester is a small town in New York with a population of 60000 with rich heritage, rolling farmlands, and great shopping centers. The majority of the population uses local transit buses to get around. Keywords: Wi-Fi, GPS, fleet tracking, reliability
From LAN to WAN. 25 vessels were equipped with Peplink solution Keywords: cellular, ship management, vessel
Wireless and mobile broadband WiFi for mass transit Keywords: Wi-Fi, GPS, wireless, failover, reliability
Intelligent maritime LTE load balancing & social WiFI hotspot Keywords: load balancing, cellular, cloud management, vessel, cruise