Granting InControl Access to External Users

The objective of this article is to show you how to grant InControl access to users outside of your organization. First, you will need to create a group to contain the devices which you want to grant outside access to. Place the devices into that group.

Once you have done so, head back to the overview and click your newly created group.

Navigate to the Group Settings page.

On the group settings page, under the Administration heading, you will find the Group Admins section. There, enter the name and email address of the user you are granting access to. Under the Role column, click the drop-down menu and select the Group Administrator setting. Finally, scroll down the page until you have reached the bottom and click “Save Changes” to save your changes.

Your new Group Admins will be able to access devices within your selected group. From their InControl dashboard, they can find your organization under the organization tab. They will only see the group(s) which you have authorized them to see.